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The AWS CloudEndure Migration Factory Solution Application Migration Service (MGN) is designed to coordinate and automate many of the manual migration processes. This solution leverages CloudEndure MGN to simplify, expedite, and reduce the cost of cloud migration by offering a highly automated lift-and-shift capability. 


Migrate Your Environment

Select CloudEndure MGN Migrate at the top left of the Migrate Your Environment window.

  1. Select a design to use for the migration.


  1. Select the groups to populate the data in table


  1. .

  2. Click Apply.

  3. Click Download to generate the report.


  • User need to select at-least one design and one group or assets for report generation.

  • Instance Id (CMZ Internal) - we have kept this column for internal purpose of CMZ and expects that user don’t make any changes in this column.

  • Download feature has been provided to user to download the generated report as per selected design, group and assets in .xlsx format.

  • Downloaded file will have one sheet named with design name user selected while report download.

  • Upload feature has been also provided to upload modified sheet to CMZ tool.

  • Few validations are applied while upload :

    • Wave Id and AWS Account Id : These columns will be accepting numbers.

    • Any changes in column Instance Id (CMZ Internal) and App Name may lead to invalid entry.

    • Rest all column's data which are provided by CMZ tool as source data, any changes to those columns will not be saved while upload.

  • While upload , if any error occurred, respective message will be displayed on UI.

  • A separate excel file will be downloaded in case any error occurred while upload specific to any instance data.