When a proxy server is not used,
msiexec /i <downloaded MSI file> CUSTOMERKEY="your key"
When a proxy server is used but proxy credentials are not used,
msiexec /i <downloaded MSI file> CUSTOMERKEY="your key" USE_PROXY=1 HTTPS_PROXY="https://www.your_own_proxy.com" PROXY_PORT="your_proxy_server_port"
When a proxy server is used and proxy credentials are used,
msiexec /i <downloaded MSI file> CUSTOMERKEY="your key" USE_PROXY=1 HTTPS_PROXY="https://www.your_own_proxy.com" PROXY_PORT="your_proxy_server_port" USE_PROXY_CREDENTIAL=1 PROXY_USER_NAME="user_name" PROXY_PASSWORD="password"
When a connection problem occurs, the installer will try to connect to the Cloudamize server for 24 hours. To limit the installation maximum duration due to a connection problem,
msiexec /i <downloaded MSI file> CUSTOMERKEY="your key" INSTALL_MAX_DURATION_IN_MIN=60
Unit of INSTALL_MAX_DURATION_IN_MIN is minute and 60 minutes are set in this example.
Additional options
0: Skip the proxy certificate verification with the proxy server option. This is the default value.
1: Verify the proxy certificate.
0: Skip the server certificate verification.
1: Verify the server certificate. This is the default value.
0: Skip installation of the SQLServer Powershell Module (only required for advanced SQL data).
1: Attempt installation of the SQLServer Powershell Module if necessary.
Note that these command lines are the same as those given in Section 3.3, except that they are missing the "/qn" at the end.
When a proxy server is not used,
msiexec /i <downloaded MSI file> CUSTOMERKEY="your key" /qn
When a proxy server is used but proxy credentials are not used,
msiexec /i <downloaded MSI file> CUSTOMERKEY="your key" USE_PROXY=1 HTTPS_PROXY="http://www.your_own_proxy.com" PROXY_PORT="your_proxy_server_port" /qn
When a proxy server is used and proxy credentials are used,
msiexec /i <downloaded MSI file> CUSTOMERKEY="your key" USE_PROXY=1 HTTPS_PROXY="http://www.your_own_proxy.com" PROXY_PORT="your_proxy_server_port" USE_PROXY_CREDENTIAL=1 PROXY_USER_NAME="user_name" PROXY_PASSWORD="password" /qn
When a connection problem occurs, the installer will try to connect to the Cloudamize server for 24 hours. To limit the installation maximum duration due to a connection problem,
msiexec /i <downloaded MSI file> CUSTOMERKEY="your key" INSTALL_MAX_DURATION_IN_MIN=60 /qn
Unit of INSTALL_MAX_DURATION_IN_MIN is minute and 60 minutes are set in this example.
Additional options
0: Skip the proxy certificate verification with proxy server option. This is the default value.
1: Verify the proxy certificate.
0: Skip the server certificate verification.
1: Verify the server certificate. This is the default value.
0: Skip installation of the SQLServer Powershell Module (only required for advanced SQL data).
1: Attempt installation of the SQLServer Powershell Module if necessary.
Note that in many cases, the installation command will return immediately and does not provide any indication of success or failure. In some cases, the msiexec command fails, for example, when the MSI file is not accessible or missing. If the command returns without an error, then the installation will progress and could take some time to complete. In this case, the success or failure can be determined with the Windows EventViewer as follows.