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Table of Contents


This guide will demonstrate how to migrate a set of machines to AWS using


the Application Migration Service (MGN).
The MGN agent can be downloaded and installed directly from the Cloudamize application. Machines which are candidates for migration to AWS will then be available in the


MGN dashboard.
Alternatively, the Cloudamize migration report can be downloaded and used to create


an MGN migration blueprint.




AWS Credentials can be generated by following the instructions in this link: Generating the required AWS credentials - Application Migration Service

Navigate to the Migrate Your Environment page


Launch the application to view the results summary page. From here, click View Details.


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  1. Login to the console

  2. Once logged into the console, you will see a home page with the icons as shown below-


  1. Click on “Plan” which will navigate you to the below page and then Select the “Application Canvas”.

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  2. Click on Open Classic Console to access Migration Planner, as shown in the screenshot below-

    Note: The Machine and Application View in MIgration Planner are currently available in Classic Console.


Open the Classic Console option, which will load the results summary page. Click on the View option.


From the results dashboard, click Dashboard -> Migration Planner.


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Click Migrate Your Environment in the More Tools menu at the top-right of the canvas.

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Select CloudEndure MGN at the top left of the Migrate Your Environment window.

  1. Select a design to use for the migration.


  1. Select the groups to migrate


  1. .

  2. Click Apply.

  3. In the table below, select which machines to migrate.
    Note: Cloudamize does not ensure that the


  1. prerequisites for MGN agents are met. In cases where installation via the console cannot be completed, please follow the


  1. MGN installation instructions for a command line-based installation.


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To install via the Cloudamize Console

Click on Installation Options to enter the Installation Token Key for CloudEndureMGN. Then click Install to install the CloudEndure MGN agent and begin the migration process.

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You can find your CloudEndure installation token in your CloudEndure account under Help - How to Add Machines


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You will be prompted to add any relevant installer options (an example from the AWS docs: --region regionname --aws-access-key-id AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE --aws-secret-access-key wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY)


 In the far right column for each machine, click on the log icon to view a detailed log for that machine.

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To Install via Command Line

You can also install the CloudEndure MGN agent through the command line interface. You can find your installation command under How to Add Machines in your CloudEndure dashboard.

You can find further CloudEndure installation guides here.

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Refer to AWS - Application Migration Service documentation for further help.

The MGN agent will take approximately 10-15 minutes to download and install. Afterwards, the machine will be added to the


MGN database, and the installation will complete.




Creating MGN Blueprint

It is also possible to use the migration plan as a starting point for CloudEndure Migration Factory MGN blueprints. 

To begin, simply download the migration plan and edit the downloaded CSV file to match the CloudEndure MGN blueprint specification.


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* Please note that machines using our agentless data collection Agentless Data Collection option will not be able to be migrated via CloudEndureMGN.


Contact if you have any questions or require any assistance.