IP address / Names: your vCenter IP address
User name: read-only user name
Password: read-only user password
Step 9: Log into the Cloudaimze Console (https://console.cloudamize.com/#/login), select the Setup tab then click VMWare Setup. Under VMWare Setup you will see the option “Add vCenter”, Click the button and Enter a name for the vCenter, the IP address (public or private), and the read-only credentials just created.
In the New Console, click the “Add vCenter” button and input these details:
NOTE: if your vCenter has a public IP address, then you will need to make sure TCP port 443 is open outbound to our vCenter data collector at IP address
for (us-east-1
)US Infrastructure,
for (eu-central-1
)EU Infrastructure and
for (me-central-1
)UAE Infrastructure. Once you have entered and saved your vCenter information, you should see the status as CONNECTED. This concludes the vCenter setup for Cloudamize.
NOTE: If your vCenter has only a private IP address, then you will need to make sure TCP port 443 is open outbound to our vCenter proxy at IP address Then continue on to setup the Cloudamize proxy, which establishes a connection between your vCenter and the Cloudamize vCenter data collector.
Setting Up the Cloudamize Proxy
The Cloudamize Proxy is a bridge between the client vCenter and our vCenter Data Collector. Therefore if the proxy is stopped, there is no connection and data is not being collected, however, the vCenter data collector will send data to the vCenter Data Collector up to one hour after its collected from the client vCenter.
Step 1: A window prompting you to You can download the Cloudamize Proxy will appear immediately after entering your private IP address. Click “Download”.
New Console:
the three dots this will provide you the option to download the Cloudamize proxy.
Step 2: Once downloaded, run the installer as an administrator and then click “Next.”
Step 7: Following a successful installation, “CONNECTED” will appear on the following screen. Additional vCenters can be added by clicking “Add vCenter” and following the steps above.
How It Works
The Cloudamize Proxy is an auto-start service that has no user interface or user inputs from the command line. You can check the status of the proxy from services.msc or the VMware tab in the Cloudamize application.