Technical Support Guide

Technical Support Guide


As a Cloudamize customer you have access to a wide range of resources designed to assist you in the event you encounter technical issues with our Platform. We strive to provide excellent support, and want you to know what to expect when you contact us. You deserve excellent service from initial contact to your issues resolution. We measure our success by your satisfaction. 


This document has been produced to provide guidelines and reference materials in the event you require Cloudamize Technical Support. Within we provide the following:

  • An introduction to Cloudamize Technical Support processes

  • Provide information in regards to technical services currently available

  • To help you effectively utilize the Technical Support we provide

Please carefully review this guide as it contains important information regarding the support and service provided by the Cloudamize Technical Services teams. Thank you for choosing Cloudamize.

Roles and Responsibilities




  • Have a technical understanding of the environment being assessed

  • Provide technical resources to troubleshoot internal issues in the event they arise

Cloudamize Partner

  • Have a technical understanding of the environment being assessed

  • Know which resources to engage on-site in the event of a technical issue

  • Provide 1st level support for the Customer

  • Engage Cloudamize Technical Support when issues need to be escalated

Cloudamize Technical Support Engineer

  • Understand the business impact of Customer Issues

  • Provide technical expertise in regard to the Cloudamize Platform

  • Troubleshoot and resolve 2nd level support issues

  • Escalate issues to 3rd level support and Management as necessary

Cloudamize Technical Account Manager

  • Have a technical understanding of the environment being assessed

  • Monitor installation and data collection progress

  • Provide a “walk-through” and answer questions about the results delivered

  • Provide proactive resources to prevent potential technical issues

  • Handle or direct any non-technical inquiries to the appropriate parties

Cloudamize Support Manager

  • Ensure the highest level of support is provided to our Partners and Customers

  • Ensure adherence to Support SLAs 

  • Keep apprised of high-priority issues 

  • Handle customer escalations as needed


Getting Started with Cloudamize


Cloudamize is a platform which enables you to capture detailed analysis of your predicted costs and performance, as well as design a successful roadmap for cloud migration based on application dependencies, suitability, and readiness while ensuring cost-performance optimization at the moment applications are ready to migrate to the cloud. 

Three follow-ups

If we have asked you for information to help us troubleshoot an issue but have not heard from you, we will attempt to contact you on three non-consecutive business days before we close the case. If we receive an out-of-office communication, we will document the timeframe in the case and will attempt to contact you again upon your return to the office. On the third contact, we will set a date/time for case closure at least 24 hours after that contact.

Pending client action 

If you inform us that you cannot currently address an issue further, we will assign the case a status of ‘Pending’ and wait for your next contact. After 48 hours, we will send you a notification asking for an update to the issue. You will receive another notification after 4 days if we did not get a response to the notification sent after 48 hours. Finally, there will be a final notification sent after 6 days of no response from you and the ticket will be considered resolved after 7 days of no response after we have asked for more information.

Reporting a Problem

Before contacting Customer Support 

In order for our Technical Support team to understand and quickly resolve your support request, it is important you take the following steps before contacting us. It’s important to gather as much information about the problem prior to submitting a technical support ticket. 

Define the problem 

To expedite the problem solving process, be sure you can articulate the problem and the symptoms before contacting Cloudamize Technical Support. It is important you are as specific as possible in explaining a problem or a question to our technical support engineers. Our engineers want to provide you with a solution for the problem scenario. Therefore, the better they understand your specific scenario, the better they will be able to resolve it. 

Gather background information 

To effectively and efficiently solve a problem, our technical support specialist needs to have all of the relevant information about the problem. Please be able to define your technical problem in specific terms and provide answers to the following questions:


    • How many systems are affected?

    • Which Operating Systems are affected?

    • When did the issue present itself?

    • What efforts were made to troubleshoot the issue? 

In addition to being able to answer these questions, it is important to provide log file(s) from affected systems. These files are created upon successful, and sometimes unsuccessful, installation of the Cloudamize Agent, Agentless Data Collector, and vCenter Proxy Connector and contain information which can be critical to troubleshooting.

Contacting Cloudamize Technical Support 

Cloudamize provides you a link to email our support through your Partner Dashboard. You can also send an email directly to helpdesk@cloudamize.com or reach out to your Customer Success Manager. When submitting a technical request to Cloudamize Technical Support, please have the following information ready:

  • Your email address

  • A short description of the issue to be included in the Subject line

  • The Assessment login ID

  • A detailed description of the issue in the body of the email, including impact to the customer

  • Log files from the affected system(s)

Case severity levels 

Although we strive to assist you with all issues in a timely manner, we use severity levels to separate mission critical issues from questions, allowing us to respond appropriately to each issue. The chart below defines the severity levels used within Cloudamize Technical Support.

Severity Level


Severity 1 (Critical)

  • Problems or issues with the Platform which interrupt or prevent all customers from performing regular operations 

  • Problems or issues caused by the Platform having a catastrophic impact on regular operations

Severity 2 (High)

  • Problems or issues with the Platform which interrupt or prevent a significant percentage of the customer population from performing regular operations 

  • Problems or issues caused by the Platform having a major impact on regular operations

  • Individual Issues which prevent an assessment from starting Data Collection on an agreed upon target date

  • Individual Issues which prevent an assessment from achieving the Target Delivery Date

Severity 3 (Medium)

  • Problems or issues with the Platform which interrupt or prevent a small percentage of the customer population from performing regular operations

  • Problems or issues caused by the Platform having a significant impact on regular operations

  • Individual Issues which jeopardize an assessment from starting Data Collection on an agreed upon target date

  • Individual Issues which jeopardize an assessment from achieving the Target Delivery Date

Severity 4 (Low)

  • Problems or issues with the Platform which interrupt or prevent an individual user from performing regular business operations

  • Problems or issues having a minor impact on regular operations

  • Individual Issues which do not prevent an assessment from starting Data Collection on an agreed upon target date

  • Individual Issues which do not prevent an assessment from achieving the Target Delivery Date

  • Information requests


Case response times 

When you create a case with Cloudamize it is important to note a Cloudamize Support Engineer will need to assign a Severity to your issue before the Targeted response times go into effect. While we strive to respond to all issues as quickly as possible we adhere to operational business hours and cannot guarantee ‘first-touch' support outside these hours. The targeted response times listed below adhere to our business hours and are based on the severity levels defined above:

Severity Level

Targeted Initial Response

Targeted Status Updates


30 minutes

< 2 hours


1 hours

< 4 hours


2 hours

< 8 hours


4 hours

< 24 hours


Case Status

A case can have one of the following statuses:




Ticket is Unassigned


Ticket is assigned and in progress at either 2nd or 3rd level support


Waiting for Customer response


Either a solution has been provided, there has been no response from the customer, or the assessment has expired


Escalation Management

An escalation occurs when one of the following (2) scenarios are relevant:

  1. 2nd level support cannot resolve the incident in question and/or

  2. The impact to the customer is significant and/or the project is in jeopardy of becoming “out-of-scope.”

Note: Project scope should be agreed upon between Partner and Account Manager during the provisioning stage of the assessment, prior to installation. 

In either of these cases, a support request may be escalated to receive additional resources and/or management attention. If you require your support request to be escalated, or are dissatisfied with the handling of your case, contact your Account Manager. Your Account Manager will request the escalation and notify the Support Manager.

Internal Escalation Schedule

When a Cloudamize 2nd level Support Engineer determines an escalation is required, or the submitter requests involvement from Management, escalations and notifications will occur according to the schedule below:

Severity Level

1st Point of Escalation

2nd Point of Escalation

3rd Point of Escalation


  • Within 30 minutes the ticket is escalated to an Engineering lead

  • The Submitter is notified the ticket had been escalated to Engineering

  • The Account Manager is added in Cc to all ticket notifications

  • Updates are provided to all parties every 2 hours

  • If the ticket is not resolved in 4 hours the Support Manager and Head of Engineering are notified

  • The Customer and Account Manager are notified of further escalation 

  • Support Manager and Head of Engineering are included in future status updates

  • If the ticket is not resolved in 24 hours the Head of Channel Sales is notified

  • The Head of Channel Sales will be included in all future status updates to be given every 2 hours


  • Within 4 hours the ticket is escalated to an Engineering lead

  • The Submitter is notified the ticket had been escalated to Engineering

  • The Account Manager is added in Cc to all ticket notifications

  • Updates are provided to all parties every 2 hours

  • If the ticket is not resolved in 8 hours the Support Manager and Head of Engineering are notified

  • The Customer and Account Manager are notified of further escalation 

  • Support Manager and Head of Engineering are included in future status updates

  • If the ticket is not resolved in 48 hours the Head of Channel Sales is notified

  • The Head of Channel Sales will be included in all future status updates to be given every 2 hours


  • Within 2 days the ticket is escalated to an Engineering lead

  • The Submitter is notified the ticket had been escalated to Engineering

  • The Account Manager is added in Cc to all ticket notifications

  • Updates are provided to all parties every 2 hours

  • If the ticket is not resolved in 4 hours the Support Manager and Head of Engineering are notified

  • The Customer and Account Manager are notified of further escalation 

  • Support Manager and Head of Engineering are included in future status updates

  • If the ticket is not resolved in 4 days hours the Head of Channel Sales is notified

  • The Head of Channel Sales will be included in all future status updates to be given every 2 hours


Note: All updates will be given during regular business hours unless agreed upon between the submitter and Cloudamize Support. 

Support levels

1st level

2nd level

3rd level

Provided by Partner or Cloudamize Technical Support

  • Issues which can be resolved from our online Knowledge Base

Provided by Cloudamize Technical Support

  • Issues which cannot be resolved through 1st level support

  • Uncommon Issues

Provided by Cloudamize Engineering Team

  • Code changes

  • Bug fixes

  • Issues which cannot be resolved through 2nd level support


Technical Services contact information

Technical Support email: helpdesk@cloudamize.com

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