Linux Agent - Installation Instructions
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  • Linux Agent - Installation Instructions


    Note: The Linux agent/agentless approach requires a user with root permissions to get PID-to-network mapping, certain hardware details, and data on logical/physical disk volumes. Become a root user either through "sudo -s" or "su"; most systems use sudo.  


    Login to your Cloudamize console here, or launch the application from your Partner Dashboard if you have one.

    Navigate to the Settings page by clicking the Edit Configuration button. If your assessment is already running, click your username in the upper right-hand corner and select Settings from the dropdown menu. Navigate to Agent Setup > Assess and select the Linux tab. 

    Note: the commands below represent our US infrastructure. If you use our EU infrastructure, copy and paste the commands directly from your assessment. 

    Step 1:  Export your customer key.


    Step 2:  Execute the command listed in the assessment portal, eg:

    $ sh <(curl 'https://am.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3?custkey=<YOUR CUSTOMER KEY>&filename=installCloudamizeAgentV2.sh' -L)

    If you want to route the data through your own proxy server, click the checkbox as shown in the image below and use the following commands listed in console.cloudamize.com assessments have the command listed in the portal.

    Linux Install with Proxy

    Linux Install with Authenticated Proxy

    Deploy from Central Repository:

    Installation of Agent

    The customer should decide whether to use rpm or deb, but in general, rpms are used by Red Hat, CentOS, SUSE, and Oracle Linux, and deb is used by Debian and Ubuntu.


    • US:

      • %> sh <(curl -X POST https://am.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=installCloudamizeAgentV2.sh)

    • EU:

      • %> sh <(curl -X POST https://am-de.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=installCloudamizeAgentV2.sh)

    • UAE:

      • %> sh <(curl -X POST https://am-ae.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=installCloudamizeAgentV2.sh)


    • US:

      • RPM:

        • curl -X POST https://am.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=cloudamize_agent.rpm -o cloudamize_agent.rpm

      • DEB:

        • curl -X POST https://am.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=cloudamize_agent.deb -o cloudamize_agent.deb

      • TGZ:

        • curl -X POST https://am.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=cloudamize_agent.tgz -o cloudamize_agent.tgz

    • EU:

      • RPM:

        • curl -X POST https://am-de.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=cloudamize_agent.rpm -o cloudamize_agent.rpm

      • DEB:

        • curl -X POST https://am-de.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=cloudamize_agent.deb -o cloudamize_agent.deb

      • TGZ:

        • curl -X POST https://am-de.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=cloudamize_agent.tgz -o cloudamize_agent.tgz

    • UAE:

      • RPM:

        • curl -X POST https://am-ae.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=cloudamize_agent.rpm -o cloudamize_agent.rpm

      • DEB:

        • curl -X POST https://am-ae.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=cloudamize_agent.deb -o cloudamize_agent.deb

      • TGZ:

        • curl -X POST https://am-ae.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFileV3 -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F custkey=<custkey> -F filename=cloudamize_agent.tgz -o cloudamize_agent.tgz

    Note: If for some reason environment variables cannot be used during the installation, the customer can configure later by running /usr/local/cloudamize/bin/configure.sh

    Configuration of Agent

    The agent can be configured while installed or after it is installed. The following environment variables can be used to configure. If the variables are set during installation they will be used to configure. Otherwise, the customer must run /usr/local/cloudamize/bin/configure.sh

    Environment variables can be set using the “export” command in bash, or when running a command. Placement of env set is important when running during command. Note, sudo usually clears env variables.

      dpkg -i cloudamize_agent.deb

    • CLOUDAMIZE_CUSTOMER_KEY=xxxx dpkg -i cloudamize_agent.deb

    • sudo CLOUDAMIZE_CUSTOMER_KEY=xxxx dpkg -i cloudamize_agent.deb

    • curl https://am.cloudamize.com/cxf/downloadFile/installCloudamizeAgentV2.sh | sudo CLOUDAMIZE_CUSTOMER_KEY=xxxx bash

    • CLOUDAMIZE_CUSTOMER_KEY=xxxx /usr/local/cloudamize/bin/configure.sh

    Available options are:

    Env Variable





    REQUIRED. The customer key to register with.



    Customer proxy server address to use with curl.



    Customer proxy port.



    Customer proxy user name.



    Customer proxy user password.


    Click here for steps to troubleshoot installation issues. 

    Click here for instructions on how to uninstall the Linux agents.