Curl not Working Properly

Curl not Working Properly


  • During the installation of the Cloudamize Windows Agent, you see this error:

    • A valid curl exit code is usually between -1 and 92, inclusive, depending on a curl version. If the curl exit code is beyond the range (also check exit codes in http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html), it means that the curl failed to run due to some missing dll file(s) that curl depends on.


  • Application launch error message for curl.

    • To determine the error message, note that you should not cancel the Cloudamize Agent Installation.

    • Run Command Prompt as administrator: Right clicking on Command Prompt and selecting "Run as administrator".

    • Go to the following directory

      • 32 bit machine: cd C:\Program Files

      • 64 bit machine: cd C:\Program Files (x86)

    • Take ownership of Cloudamize directory where curl.exe exists, grant directory security permission, and go to Cloudamize directory.

      • takeown /F Cloudamize /R /D y icacls Cloudamize /grant administrators:F /T cd Cloudamize
    • Run curl command

      • curl -k https://am.cloudamize.com/cxf/test (for US infra) curl -k https://am-de.cloudamize.com/cxf/test (for EU infra) curl -k https://am-ae.cloudamize.com/cxf/test (for UAE infra)
    • A pop-up windows will appear with the application launch error message. Please make a screenshot for it and send it and log_backup.txt to us at support helpdesk@cloudamize.com. We will fix the curl software. Note that we periodically check and use recent curl version.

      • Example screenshots:

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