Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

ERP Overview

Cloudamise will capture the Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that organizations are running to manage day-to-day business activities.

ERP Systems Captured

Cloudamize will be capturing the 5 common ERP systems (plus Oracle) to help identify customers with these ERP systems. Machines running the Oracle database are also identified. The ERP systems the Cloudamize Agent or Agentless identifies are listed below:

  • EBS

  • Peoplesoft

  • JDE

  • Hyperion

  • SAP

Cloudamize will analyze the processes running on each machine being assessed. If specific ERP applications or processes are running, the machine will be identified accordingly and included in the report.

ERP Report

The Cloudamize will provide an ERP Details Report. The ERP report will be an Excel export with three tabs as below

ERP Details Tab:

  • Instance Name

  • ERP System

  • OS and OS Version

  • Recommended Instance

  • EBS Optimized

  • Constraint/Bottleneck

  • Observed and Recommended vCPU

  • Current, Predicted and Max Allowed CPU Utilization

  • Available, Peak Used, and Recommended Memory

  • Annual Total and Hourly Cost.

  • Assessment Region and Pricing Plan.

  • Storage details and Total Cost.

  • Network details and Total Cost.

Applications on Servers Tab:
This will list the Server ID and Application ID for all of the applications on the servers on the ERP Details tab sorted by Server ID and the Application ID.

Applications Tab:
This tab will include the details of the applications found on the Servers included in the ERP Details tab.

If you have queries regarding ERP reports please get in touch with the Technical Helpdesk at helpdesk@cloudamize.com