Migration Planner - Application Catalogue

Migration Planner - Application Catalogue


The Application Catalogue is designed to track and define metadata associated with the Business Applications created by our customers. This feature allows you to define your Business Applications more comprehensively, providing you with the tools to better organize and plan your migration groups effectively.

Key Features

  1. MetaData: Enhance your business applications by adding metadata in the form of key-value pairs. This metadata serves as additional information, providing distinguishing characteristics that set one business application apart from another. It allows for more detailed classification and organization, enabling you to easily identify and manage your applications based on specific attributes.

  2. Business Application-based grouping view: This view provides a list of Machines and Processes that are tagged under their respective Business Applications.

Business Applications List Section

The left menu displays a list of all business applications you have created. A filter functionality is provided to help you easily search and select a specific business application from a list. Additionally, you can delete business applications directly from this menu.

Application Catalogue Screen - Business Applications Visible on Left

Business Applications Detailed Section

When you select a Business Application from the left menu listing, a detailed view of the selected application is displayed in the center panel.

This view provides a list of Machines and Processes that are tagged under the selected Business Applications.

You can also edit the name of each business application in this view.

Application Catalogue with Business Application Detailed View in Center

Process View

The process view displays all server processes associated with the selected business application, along with their tagged migration strategy and wave values.

Each record in the process view is expandable. When expanded, it reveals a list of machines where the corresponding server processes are running.

Processes Tab Selected in Center Menu - Microsoft SQL Server Process is Expanded

Machines View

The machines view displays all machines associated with the selected business application, along with their tagged migration strategy and wave values.

Each record in the machines view is expandable. When expanded, it reveals the list of server processes running under the corresponding machine.

Machines Tab Selected in Center Menu - Mov10-VM2-SQL Server Expanded

MetaData Section

The metadata section on the right side of the screen corresponds to the selected business application.

Configuring MetaData

When you click on add metadata, you are given the option to add custom key/value pair attributes to the selected Business Application. The keys “Waves” and “Migration Strategy” are included by default.

Guide Popout

The guide popout is open by default when you first navigate to the Application Catalogue page. It provides comprehensive and valuable insights into the usability and functionality of the Application Catalogue, helping you better understand and utilize its features.

Guide Popout Visible on Right Side

If you have any issues or queries regarding the Application Catalogue feature, please get in touch with the Cloudamize Technical Helpdesk: https://cloudreach-software.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/9 or by email at helpdesk@cloudamize.com


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