Working with the Partner Dashboard

Working with the Partner Dashboard

Add a New User

Step 1: Login to the Cloudamize Partner Dashboard using your registered email address and password.

Step 2: Click the User Management tab on the Cloudamize Partner Dashboard to view details of the registered users.

Step 3: Click Add New User.

Step 4: Enter the First Name, Last Name and Email Address for the new user in the respective fields.

Step 5: Select the Role for the user being added from the drop down selector. This can be Admin or User role. An Admin user can

  1. Add/edit/delete other users, view all orders on the dashboard

  2. Provide users with access to their orders

  3. Add/edit/delete orders assigned to any user        

Step 6: Add a user by clicking the Add User button. The user is now successfully added. The added user will receive an email with instructions to login.


CSP Account Integration

  1. Log into Cloudamize Partner Dashboard (see links above)

  2. Click your name in the top-right corner

  3. Click Account Settings

  4.  Select Azure Partner Center Tab

  5.  Create an Account Name

  6.  Enter Application ID

  7.  Enter Application Secret

  8.  Enter Application Domain

  9. Click Save

Your CSP Account Pricing information will now be applied to all of the orders contained within your Partner Dashboard.

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