Add New Order

Add New Order

The Partner Dashboard is used as a single console to manage all Assessments. On the Partner
dashboard, you can create new orders, access all assessments, review training resources, and submit
support tickets. An Order needs to be created to set up an assessment. Below are the steps to create a new order.

Note: If a user doesn't see the Add New Order button, the logged-in user lacks admin permissions. In such cases, they should contact their dashboard admin or contact Cloudamize support for assistance in creating the order.

Order Creation


Note:​ All fields must be completed to create an order.

On the Partner Dashboard, select ​

Add New Order​ in the upper-right corner. 2. Fill out the following fields and press ​Submit:


Client company name

First Name​

Client first name

Last Name​

Client last name

Email for Cloudamize Application​

Use the following example to create an alias for the account: clientcompanyname@partnerdomain.com


Client contact’s title

Assessment Type​

You can pick Plan Edition or Platform Edition

Number of Nodes​

Maximum number of machines included in the project

Enable Region

Select the enable region check box to select the assessment region.

Use Available Licenses for this Order​

If this order will use licenses from a bulk purchase, check the box and select the bucket from which to pull the licenses.

Expiration Date​

The default expiration date is set to 81 days. You can select a date between 30 days to 2 years.


The number is listed on the PO or order form. If a PO is unavailable, please enter a stand-in number and upload a text file to act as a placeholder.

Upload PO File​

Upload appropriate documentation associated with the order.

IaaS Provider​

Select the appropriate providers.

Billing Contact Email​

Enter your email address unless otherwise specified.

Assign Order to Users​

Enables the order assignment to all users associated with the Partner Dashboard. A new window will open, showing both.

Available Users and Assigned Users​. Use the arrows to move users from one category to another, and click Confirm​ to save the changes.

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