On-Demand Processing
On-Demand Processing
Analytics Licenses
Matlab Compile Runtime (MCR) | MCR Licenses (purchased) |
Postgresql's JDBC driver | |
python | |
log4m |
# this file as made by running briandailey's python-packages-license-check and updating the entries marked "UNKNOWN" from Anaconda's 3rd party license info located here: https://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/pkg-docs
# Some are not included in Anaconda's list. To find those, one can search of other lists https://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/oldpkglists, such as https://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/old-pkg-lists/2.3.0/py27
Unique Licenses
2-clause BSD | 2-Clause BSD |
3-clause BSD | 3-Clause BSD |
Apache | Apache |
Apache License, Version 2.0 | Apache 2.0 |
Copyright (C) 2011 Serge S. Koval | Apache 2.0 |
Copyright 2011-2013 Jeffrey Gelens <jeffrey@noppo.pro> | Apache 2.0 |
Expat license | Expat License |
GNU GPL | GNU GPL License |
ISC | ISC License |
LGPL | LGPL License |
LGPL with exceptions or ZPL | LGPL with Exceptions |
LICENSE.txt | N/A |
MIT | MIT License |
Modified BSD | Modified BSD |
New BSD | New BSD |
proprietary - Continuum Analytics, Inc. | N/A |
public domain, Python, 2-Clause BSD, GPL 3 | (see COPYING.txt) |
Python Software Foundation License | Python License |
Simplified BSD | Simplified BSD |
Standard PIL License | Standard PIL License |
ZPL 2.1 | ZPL 2.1 |
Chest License | Chest License |
Anaconda License | Chest License |
All Licenses
sphinx | BSD | BSD |
setuptools | MIT | MIT License |
alabaster | BSD | BSD |
anaconda-client | BSD | BSD |
anaconda-navigator | proprietary - Continuum Analytics, Inc. | Anaconda License |
argcomplete | Apache Software License | Apache |
astropy | BSD | BSD |
Babel | BSD | BSD |
backports.ssl-match-hostname | BSD | BSD |
backports-abc | PSF | Python License |
bcolz | BSD | BSD |
beautifulsoup4 | MIT | MIT License |
binstar | MIT | MIT License |
bitarray | PSF | Python License |
blaze | BSD | BSD |
bokeh | New BSD | New BSD |
boto | MIT | MIT License |
Bottleneck | Simplified BSD | Simplified BSD |
cdecimal | BSD License | BSD |
certifi | ISC | ISC License |
cffi | MIT | MIT License |
chest | BSD | BSD |
cloudpickle | LICENSE.txt | Chest License |
clyent | BSD | BSD |
colorama | BSD | BSD |
comtypes | MIT License | MIT License |
conda | BSD | BSD |
conda-build | BSD | BSD |
conda-env | BSD | BSD |
conda-manager | MIT | MIT License |
configobj | BSD | BSD |
cryptography | BSD or Apache License, Version 2.0 | BSD |
cycler | BSD | BSD |
Cython | Apache | Apache |
cytoolz | BSD | BSD |
dask | BSD | BSD |
datashape | BSD | BSD |
decorator | new BSD License | New BSD |
decorator | BSD license | BSD |
dill | BSD | BSD |
docutils | public domain, Python, 2-Clause BSD, GPL 3 (see COPYING.txt) | 2-Clause BSD |
enum34 | BSD License | BSD |
et-xmlfile | MIT | MIT License |
fastcache | MIT | MIT License |
Flask | BSD | BSD |
Flask-Cors | MIT | MIT License |
funcsigs | ASL | Apache |
futures | BSD | BSD |
gevent | MIT | MIT License |
gevent-websocket | Copyright 2011-2013 Jeffrey Gelens <jeffrey@noppo.pro> | Apache |
greenlet | MIT License | MIT License |
grin | BSD | BSD |
h5py | 3-clause BSD | 3-Clause BSD |
HeapDict | BSD | BSD |
idna | BSD-like | BSD |
ipaddress | Python Software Foundation License | Python License |
ipykernel | BSD | BSD |
ipython | BSD | BSD |
ipython-genutils | BSD | BSD |
ipywidgets | BSD | BSD |
itsdangerous | BSD | BSD |
jdcal | BSD | BSD |
jedi | MIT | MIT License |
Jinja2 | BSD | BSD |
jsonschema | MIT | MIT License |
jupyter | BSD | BSD |
jupyter-client | BSD | BSD |
jupyter-console | BSD | BSD |
jupyter-core | BSD | BSD |
llvmlite | BSD | BSD |
locket | BSD | BSD |
lxml | BSD | BSD |
MarkupSafe | BSD | BSD |
matplotlib | BSD | BSD |
menuinst | BSD | BSD |
mistune | BSD | BSD |
mock | BSD | BSD |
mpmath | BSD | BSD |
multipledispatch | BSD | BSD |
nbconvert | BSD | BSD |
nbformat | BSD | BSD |
networkx | BSD | BSD |
nltk | Apache License, Version 2.0 | Apache 2.0 |
nose | GNU LGPL | GNU GPL License |
notebook | BSD | BSD |
numba | BSD | BSD |
numexpr | MIT | MIT License |
numpy | BSD | BSD |
odo | BSD | BSD |
openpyxl | MIT/Expat | MIT License |
pandas | BSD | BSD |
partd | BSD | BSD |
path.py | MIT License | MIT License |
patsy | 2-clause BSD | 2-Clause BSD |
pep8 | Expat license | Expat License |
pickleshare | MIT | MIT License |
Pillow | Standard PIL License | Standard PIL License |
pip | MIT | MIT License |
ply | BSD | BSD |
psutil | BSD | BSD |
psycopg2 | LGPL with exceptions or ZPL | LGPL with Exceptions |
py | MIT license | MIT License |
pyasn1 | BSD | BSD |
pycosat | MIT | MIT License |
pycparser | BSD | BSD |
pycrypto | Public-Domain | N/A |
pyflakes | MIT | MIT License |
Pygments | BSD License | BSD |
pyOpenSSL | APL2 | Apache 2.0 |
pyparsing | MIT License | MIT License |
pyreadline | BSD | BSD |
pytest | MIT license | MIT License |
python-dateutil | Simplified BSD | Simplified BSD |
pytz | MIT | MIT License |
pywin32 | PSF | Python License |
PyYAML | MIT | MIT License |
pyzmq | LGPL+BSD | LGPL License |
QtAwesome | MIT | MIT License |
qtconsole | BSD | BSD |
QtPy | MIT | MIT License |
requests | Apache 2.0 | Apache 2.0 |
rope | GNU GPL | GNU GPL License |
ruamel-yaml | MIT | MIT License |
runipy | BSD | BSD |
scikit-image | Modified BSD | Modified BSD |
scikit-learn | new BSD | New BSD |
scipy | BSD | BSD |
simplegeneric | ZPL 2.1 | ZPL 2.1 |
singledispatch | MIT | MIT License |
six | MIT | MIT License |
snowballstemmer | BSD | BSD |
sockjs-tornado | Copyright (C) 2011 Serge S. Koval | Apache |
sphinx-rtd-theme | MIT | MIT License |
spyder | MIT | MIT License |
SQLAlchemy | MIT License | MIT License |
statsmodels | BSD License | BSD |
sympy | BSD | BSD |
toolz | BSD | BSD |
tornado | Apache | Apache |
traitlets | BSD | BSD |
ujson | BSD License | BSD |
unicodecsv | BSD License | BSD |
Werkzeug | BSD | BSD |
wheel | MIT | MIT License |
xlrd | BSD | BSD |
XlsxWriter | BSD | BSD |
xlwings | BSD 3-clause | 3-Clause BSD |
xlwt | BSD | BSD |
xlwt: | BSD | BSD |
, multiple selections available,