Estimated Decarbonization Report

Estimated Decarbonization Report

The increasing number of natural disasters driven by climate change highlights our current climate crisis. Yet, surveys indicate that fewer than 40% of businesses plan to decarbonize their operations. To help businesses take action now and go beyond conforming to frameworks, Cloudamize now offers an estimated decarbonization report that shows an estimate of the amount of carbon reduction customers can experience by first migrating their activity to the AWS Platform, where they encounter an 80%-90% reduction in carbon produced in their IT infrastructure operation; and then, by leveraging AWS Platform capabilities to invest and innovate their digital transformation to support their zero-emission objective.

A downloadable report is available after your assessment results have been completed.

  1. Login to the console Cloudamize

  2. Once logged into the console, you will see a home page with the icons as shown below-

  1. Click on the Icon “Analyze” which navigates to the results page and then click the download report option on the first page of the Cloudamize Console, which is indicated with the arrow symbol.

The report will be downloaded in .xlsx format, and you can open it wherever you store your downloads. The sample reference Decarbonization report is as follows -



The above report essentially contains the Observed On-premise Details and Recommended Cloud Details as main headers and the description of each column headers are as follows:

Observed On-premise Details 


Description of each column headers

Recommended Cloud Details

Description of each column headers

Location/Country Code

Name of the Country

Recommended Cloud Instance

Type of instance recommended in cloud

Server Name

Server Name column has list of all the server names

years Usage

value in years


CPU columns indicates the CPU model information

Days Usage

value in Days Usage

CPU cores

Total number of core value

Hours Usage

Value in hours

RAM Units

Number of RAM units

Global Warming Power (kgCO2eq)

value kg CO2eq per year

RAM Capacity

Indicates Capacity of RAM

Carbon Savings (kgCO2eq)

value kg CO2eq per year

Disk Capacity

Indicates Disk Capacity



Years Usage

value in years



Days Usage

value in Days Usage



Hours Usage

Value in hours



Global Warming Power (kgCO2eq)

value kg CO2eq per year



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